Antique American rose
$16,900.00 -
Blue diamond yellow gold band ring
$850.00 -
Blue sapphire gold bangle
$15,000.00 -
Brilliant diamonds
$9,550.00 -
Byzantine gold amethyst ring Circa 600-800 AD
$15,000.00 -
Byzantine open-work gold ring with four crosses Circa 400-500 AD
$60,000.00 -
Dorica gold bracelet
$1,280.00 -
Fine European betrothal ring 9th-12th century
$1,250.00 -
Fine Viking warrior’s ring 850-1050 AD
$1,300.00 -
$2,035.00 -
Medieval European woman’s ring 15th century
$1,200.00 -
Merovingian gold ring with rosette shaped garnet bezel Circa 500-600AD
$22,000.00 -
Moi et toi diamond flowers ring
$5,000.00 -
Moonstone kyanite and gold beads necklace
$790.00 -
Rhodocrosite, sugilite, pearls and gold
$790.00 -
Stately antique rose cut solitaire diamond band
$19,500.00 -
Tudor/Renaissance gold circle ring 1500-1700 AD
$950.00 -
Viking gilt wedding ring 10th-11 century AD
$600.00 -
Viking Solid Gold Lunar Pendant 900-100 AD on 18K gold chain
$8,400.00 -
Vintage marquise cut blue stone and diamond yellow gold ring