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Ruby is the gem-quality red variety of the mineral corundum. The red colour comes from traces of chromium. To be considered a true ruby, there must be enough chromium for the gem to be a distinctly red, or slightly purplish-red colour. All other coloured varieties of corundum are known as sapphires. They are all absolutely gorgeous and we love them. Enjoy browsing through our beautiful rubies.

Ruby is gem-quality red corundum. The colour comes from traces of chromium. All other colour varieties of gem-quality corundum are referred to as sapphire. Rubies have a medium to medium-dark red colour tone. Stones lighter than this are called pink sapphire. There is no general agreement on how to draw the line between rubies and pink sapphires. Depending on the chromium and iron content, rubies have a colour range that includes pinkish, purplish, orangey, and brownish reds.