‘Ophelia’-Purple/pink cushion cut diamond ring
$19,500.00 -
‘Pamela’-Pink pear rose cut diamond ring
$15,000.00 -
‘Rosaflora’-Pink diamond rose cluster ring
Natural pink diamonds are delicately beautiful and among the most valuable of the Earth’s treasures. Their colour comes, not from other minerals in the stone but from distortion in their crystal structure. The colour can range from the most delicate blush to vibrant purplish pink. Pink diamonds are uncommon and uncommonly beautiful.
Natural pink diamonds are among the most valuable and rare of Earth’s treasures. Only a tiny percentage of diamonds have pink colour, and only a tiny percentage of these have a rich, vivid colour. The more vibrant the colour, the more value we place on them. GIA research confirms that the colour of 99.5% of pink diamonds comes from distortion in their crystal structure, not from trace elements, such as nitrogen, which causes yellow colour in diamonds or boron, which causes blue. Whatever the reason, pink diamonds are particularly gorgeous and to be treasured.